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Privacy Policy

Privacy policy

This is the private policy of our website

Will abide to following rules we listed here under different columns.


This website is content rich website of information on different aspects of UPSC Examination process which contains articles on different topics as specified in the website. The information we provide here on our website is taken from the different sources and it is to be taken only from the author point of view, and if you have any objections and anything found wrong information over it please intimate us, we either rectify or resolve the issue with in time, before reacting to any article we request you please verify the genuine nature of the information with the details that are published or from the external sources that you have or at time provides at this site the data and articles provided by the author of this website gives you primary information of the topics and the subject and the other details you have to rectify by the user  itself, please bring to our notice if any objections over it, We try to improve our website by including different categories and up trending topics  from time to time. And make you well versed with the topics of useful nature.


This website uses cookies to better the users experience while visiting the website; however it is up to the user to enable or disable them on their browser settings. We use Google analytics and hosting analytical tools for monitoring traffic and customer engagements on our website. Other cookies may be stored to your computer’s hard drive by external vendors when this website uses referral programs, sponsored links and advertisements and other third part engagements. That cookies are used for product tracking of the referral programmers, however such cookies expire after 30 days, and we won’t take any responsibility for such engagements.

Email/News letter

The names and the emails we collect is used for sending news letter, from our site and associated sites which includes feeds, email promotions, latest posts when the user subscribers to our website, we do not distribute your information to any others, as your privacy is important to us. And we are not guaranteeing for any loose of your information when opting for any services through our websites and through different ad units at this website.

Pictures and Copyrights issues

We use pictures, images, photos which are under open license policy, the usage of them are under copyrights of their respective owners, however if we violate any of the art work which you are the owner please intimate to us. We will take necessary action and remove them if necessary.

Advertisement policy

To support our website we display third party advertisement Networks which also include affiliate programs and Google ad sense, we caution our users when responding over the products, banner until you have a genuine knowledge about them. It is up to your own risk and we are no way liable for that service that you are opting through external links.

External links

We use external links at times although we look for quality and safe external links, we caution the users before clicking and acting external web links, the owner of the website can’t guarantee or verify the content on external links, the owner of the website and domain owner can’t be held for damages or implications caused by visiting such links.

Social media

Social media/social platforms engagements through our website and where our website identity presence and engagements happens abide to terms and polices held with social media platforms respectively. We advise to use social platforms wisely and communicate upon them. The social media buttons will help you to engage and share information which we provide through our website.

Widget policy

For better experience of our users we use widgets and the usage of them is under different terms and conditions of the widget polices.

Other terms and other conditions

Chatting platforms, engagements when required, will be used when required to take the responses /feedback from our users. If any faulty information or anything that has attracted you attention on our website you may feel free to contact us, we take timely action.

If you have any complaints please write to us.

And finally we will be very happy to hear from our users.

Change to privacy policy

Any changes to our privacy policy we will update and the date of validation of the policy will be mentioned if not It will be valid from the date of this policy presence on the website.

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